
Dr. Montserrat Terrazas Martínez

Associate Professor (Professora Agregada)

Dr. Terrazas’ professional career has been focused on the design and synthesis of chemically modified nucleosides, nucleotides and oligonucleotides of structural and biological interest, as well as on their structural and biological evaluation. After graduating in Chemistry (2001), she started her MSc and PhD studies at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Univ. of Barcelona under the supervision of Professors Xavier Ariza and Jaume Vilarrasa, where she worked on the development of synthetic methodologies for the labelling of nucleosides with 15N at specific positions, as well as on the computational design of new anti-HIV-1 nucleoside analogues, which was completed with a 3-month stay at the University of Siena (Dr. Botta’s group, Italy). After her PhD (2006), she moved to the Univ. of Leuven (Belgium) to perform a 1-year postdoc in the group of Prof. Herdewijn, to work in the synthesis and biological evaluation of new nucleotide triphosphate analogues as potential antiviral agents. In 2007, she moved to Stanford (Prof. Eric Kool’s group) with a Beatriu de Pinós Fellowship to perform a second postdoctoral stay, focused on a research area of great impact in the field of therapeutic RNAs that constitutes the basis for her present line of research: understanding the mechanism of RNA interference (induced by siRNAs) and improving the properties of siRNAs, as therapeutic tools, by using chemical modifications. In 2009, she returned to Barcelona to join Prof. Eritja’s group at the IQAC, CSIC (with JAE-Doc and Juan de la Cierva contracts), where she combined her background in RNAi, synthetic organic chemistry and molecular modelling to design and develop new forms of chemically modified siRNAs with potential therapeutic applications. In 2014, she joined Prof. Orozco’s group as a Miguel Servet I Reasearch Associate, where she started her own research line focused on the design and synthesis of new therapeutic siRNA tools to overcome drug resistance in cancer. She joined the Organic Chemistry Section (SQO) of the Faculty of Chemistry (University of Barcelona) as Associate Professor (Professora Agregada) in march 2021, where she is developing new multifunctional oligonucleotide-based tools for the treatment of cancer (and diseases involving multiple targets), as well as on new delivery systems for selective administration of the drug to the tumor. Since her incorporation at the SQO she has stablished strong collaborations with Bruker Biospin coorporation, Prof. Marçal Pastor-Anglada and Dr. Sandra Pérez-Torras group (Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics group, Faculty of Biology, UB-IBUB), Dr. Alessandro Sorrenti’s group (Nessa Lab, SQO, UB) and Dr. Maria Francesca Cortese (VHIR, Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca).

Dr. Bartomeu Mir Morro


Apr 2024-present

Ariadna Vila Planas

PhD student


María Fernández Yuste

Master (TFM) Student

Feb 2024-present


Gerardo Ramírez Valladares


Jul 2024-present

Pedro Medina Venegas

PhD student

(Thesis co-directed UB/IRB Barcelona)

Oct 2020-present

Former group members

Name Position Thesis/Project title Period
Jordi de la Dueña Pascuet Predoctoral student Synthesis of stimuli-responsive multifunctional oligonucleotide tools of therapeutic potential for cancer treatment 2022/2023
Maria Prats Tudurí Master (TFM) Synthesis of new oligonucleotide-based constructs targeting multiple genes involved in complex diseases 2022/2023
Eva Bèdu Visiting (Predoc: ENSCIACN, France) Synthesis of nucleoside blocks for photocavitable oligonucleotides (siRNAs) 2022/2023
Maria Torrents Lara Bachelor (TFG) Synthesis of oligonucleotide-based RNase H1-sensitive structures: a strategy with potential in breast cancer therapy and nanotechnology 2022/2023
Ricard Marín Fàbregas Bachelor (TFG) Use of Comet-assay to identify phototoxic chemicals 2022/2023
Ariadna Vila Planas Master (TFM) Development of new RNA nanostructures to fight against drug resistance in cancer 2021/2022
Jordi Rubio Collado Master (TFM) Oligonucleotide-based strategies for the treatment of breast cancer
Aina Solsona Pujol Predoctoral student Synthesis of modified nucleosides as building blocks for new combinatorial RNA tools of therapeutic potential 2021/2022
Unai Casanova Alberola Bachelor (TFG) Towards an Effective Synthesis of Functionalized Heptacyclo[,6.03,13.04,11.05,9.014,18]tetradecane: First Steps to Trifunctionalizations and Selective C–H Alkylations 2021/2022
Nino Kutateladze Visiting (Predoc; Jacobs University Bremen; Germany) DAAD Rise Worldwide program Synthesis of 2’-modified nucleosides as building blocks of new siRNA-based therapeutic tools 2021/2022
Alex Mampel Moreno Bachelor (TFG) Synthesis and characterization of new chemically modified nucleosides of therapeutic potential 2021/2022
Adele Alagia PhD thesis (co-directed) Modulation of RNAi pathway by chemically modified siRNA molecules 2011/2015
Cándida Salvans Gorjón Master (TFM) Síntesis y evaluación de la actividad biológica de nuevas nanoestructuras de ARN precursoras de 'short interfering RNAs' dirigidas a la inhibición de la expresión del gen HER2 en células de cáncer de mama 2014/2015

Former supervised students/postdocs

Name Position Institution Period
Laura Reyes Fraile Master student IRB Barcelona 2020/2022
Albert Gandioso Ubieto Postdoc IRB Barcelona 2019/2020
Benjamin Martin PhD student (visiting: École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay) IRB Barcelona 2018
Anna Oprzekska-Zingrebe PhD student (visiting: Univ. Stuttgart) IRB Barcelona 2018
Daniel Sánchez Pérez Postdoc IRB Barcelona 2016/2018
Albert Fàbregas Predoc IRB Barcelona 2013
Empar Vengut Climent PhD student (visiting: CSIC-Sevilla) IQAC-CSIC 2012
Maroua Tenari PhD student (visiting: Univ. Tunis) IQAC-CSIC 2012
Guiu Xuclà Predoc IQAC-CSIC 2011
Jessica Zabala High school student (research project) IQAC-CSIC 2010